viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012


Let's see some presentations about Madrid and one about Cetina, made by 3rd ESO students. CETINA MADRID MADRID

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

Enjoy watching these videos about Hampton Court Palace, the home of the king Henry VIII

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012



This is the place where the legendary king Arthur lived

Tintangel castle is located in Cornwall(in the west coast of England)

Everyone avoided the big old mansion.  It was believed to be haunted with the evil ghosts and spirits of murderers.  I could feel the air thicken as I walked closer to it.  It all started when my friend dared me to sneak inside the basement door and see if a ghost really lived there. I didn’t really believe in ghosts at first, but when I heard the shriek of an old woman fall down the stairs and not die I wasn’t so faithful anymore.
    The old woman said, “BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I ran to the doors and found that they were locked so I ran upstairs. There I found a fire escape ladder and left. I told my best friend Sara about what happened and she just laughed at me so I told her I would prove that I was brave. So I went back to that very same house the next day. As I walked up, I got the same weird feeling I did before. I just knew I had to do this. I opened the squeaky door. Suddenly I saw something and I stepped in, when suddenly I fell.  Down I fell into a dark pit.  All of the sudden I hit the ground hard.  All I saw was black.
    The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital with a huge bandage on my forehead.  I saw all my friends sitting by me, talking about what I did.  When they saw I was awake, everyone started talking to me.  Even though I had gotten hurt, my friends still didn’t believe that the old mansion was haunted.  They said that I had gotten hurt from falling down or tripping.  I suggested that we all go and take a look together, watching out for each other.
    After we all agreed, we went to the old house.  I noticed that something was not right.  Finally it came to me.  All the windows and the shutters of the mansion were painted a bright red!  This made us even more curious about who or what is inside.  It looked a lot like blood, but we knew it couldn’t be. We all stepped inside when we saw a shadow. We all screamed! We screamed so loud it echoed through the whole house.
    Everyone ran out, but I had to stay in for I knew that I must find the truth about the old house. Besides everyone would think I was brave and maybe people would actually notice me. So I stayed. I walked in and said, “Hello?” But nobody answered. Then I heard some racket coming from the upstairs so I went up. I saw a light coming from the bathroom.  Maybe there really was a ghost!
    Then I heard a lively chatter of what sounded like a person. I quickly ran to the door and opened it.In shock I said, “Mr. Parker?” “My principal?” “ Wwwhat  are you doing here?”
    “I’m your new neighbor,” he said. “Maybe you could help me, I think there have been some kids coming into my house. You see, the house is so big sometimes it’s hard to hear, especially when you are trying to redecorate.”
    “Yes, sure. I’ll help you," I answered, "Now that we are new neighbors!”


martes, 21 de febrero de 2012


3rd year students have prepared some presentations about Madrid, which they visited last December, and some presentatios about their villages which (I'm sure) will help us to know them a bit more. Let's start with Alhama de Aragón.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Everybody welcome.

Hello and welcome everybody. Slowly, but at a sure pace, we begin our blog. Now we only hope you to take part in this adventure. Cheers.
PS Perhaps, in the meanwhile, you would like to have a look at this site